What does FREEDOM means?

Day: June 17, 2024

What does FREEDOM means?
What does FREEDOM means?

Independence “True freedom and independence can only exist in doing whats right.” – Brigham Young. Independence is not a just a celebration of what we achieved decades back but also a constant throwback and analysis of where we stand and what lies ahead. Independence is again not just about the battles won on the ground, but its also about the.. Read more

This Teacher\’s Day, its time to be ONE
This Teacher\’s Day, its time to be ONE

Teacher I Receiver I Giver “Thank You Sir/Madam” “You have made me what i am today. It was your sheer patience and consistent efforts on me, which has got me so far in life. I would like to thank you for the same. Happy Teachers Day Sir/Madam.” You must have typed few such msgs today and may have circulated to.. Read more

Do Your Duty
Do Your Duty

“We want a surgical strike”. “Pakistan should be in history”. “All political parties needs to stand together”. “Candle march”. “Silence of two minutes”. And many such stories or tagline are circulating on entire social media of the country. I call this Stage 1. It does generates awareness about the incident and gets the whole country united for couple of days… Read more

Happy Teacher\’s Day \”Alphabet\”
Happy Teacher\’s Day \”Alphabet\”

Google I Youtube I DeepMind It’s Sep 5, and as many of us, I too am thinking of list of people who have taught me the most in life. I want to wish them “Happy Teachers Day” today. While I do this activity each year, I thought to break the chain and wish to the ones who have taught me.. Read more

What to TEACH the Grown Up?
What to TEACH the Grown Up?

Teaching the Grown Up Teaching may not necessarily include education lessons. A large part of life includes living a happy, healthy and honest life. Most often, we stop teaching the grown ups (specially the teens) with an excuse that they don’t listen. Stop the excuse, start the action. We need to imbibe basic standards in all irrespective of the age… Read more

Happy Women\’s Day 2020
Happy Women\’s Day 2020

Why just corporate women? Let\’s celebrate ALL. Let’s think differently for ONCE Its March 8th (International Women\’s Day). No matter in which generation you belong to, you would see/read/listen about successful BUSINESS women stories today. If not BUSINESS, they must be the founder name behind an NGO or a societal cause. But I would like to expand my horizon and.. Read more

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