How to say “Thank You” to God?

How to say “Thank You” to God?

How to say “Thank You” to God?

It’s 6:30 pm and a Sunday.

I am in the balcony of my new home.

Sitting on an outside chair with a cup of coffee, under clear blue sky, with not just small plants  beside me but also a garden view to look at. The only sound that I can hear is of a water fountain.

In such serenity, the first feeling I have is “Thank You God” for such a beautiful life.

Thank you for the experience. I repeat this several times.

Couple of more minutes and a bit deep into the thankfulness makes me think, how can I convey my sincere gratitude to the one who has helped me get here – God. I would not dig deep into the topic of “God” but for the sake of simplicity would call it “Hope”. Peace.

However, I realize there are no ways in which I can communicate my feelings to “Hope”. I do not believe in charming it through materialistic ways. So, I start thinking, how can I then show it how happy I am and how thankful I am for this moment.

I found my ways. So thought to write about it.

Way 1: Keep other’s goals in your TO DO LIST:


So, what do you do on a Monday morning? Or what annual or life goals do you make for yourself? I hope you do. I assume most of us do. And even if we write it or not, but we have it in our mind constantly.

Now, how many of us make plans for other’s also and I am not talking about your family. How often do we keep it a target to make somebody else achieve their goals too? Making it a constant point in our to do list. Like most of us would like to have a home of our own. But once you have achieved that, did you try to make somebody else achieve that goal? In real sense.

Would not it be good if we started to take this just like our other goals? And just like our other goals, this too can start small. But the sincerity would be there when we start making it a goal to help somebody achieve their goal.

And gradually just like the growth in our goals, this too would grow and we would start thinking about the society and world on a larger prospect then limiting our lives with our own goals.

And guess what? the best part of this way is you can start this with your friend.

How to Start?

This week, when you are making your to do list, note down to plan to help somebody achieve their goals. Begin with planning.

Way 2: Be someone’s “Stranger”


Nothing big or small, was ever achieved by the efforts of a single person. Be it a sportsperson or a NASA scientist, a musician or an economist there are tens of people supporting that one person to achieve her goal. From her family, teachers, coaches, schools, friends and many unknown and unrecognized faces – there are so many people and emotions involved in the success of a person.

Nothing new. Correct?

But there was one important point here: there are many “unknown and unrecognized faces” too behind them who have played a crucial role in their life.

We all in our life face such moments when things change entirely. Those moments which decide what kind of life you would live. But the most interesting part of those moments is they are never scheduled. They can happen anytime, anywhere. And a lot depends on who you are with at those moments. When you are all tired in a marathon before the last km, and suddenly you receive a pat on your back shouting “buck up, let’s run….”….and there you go.

Your family, friends and coach were all there at the time of preparation but not at the time of happening. Fate decides who is there with you at the time of race. At that moment, be someone’s support. Help them cross the line. Help them live their moment.

Be someone’s stranger that came for a moment but made her complete the race.

How to start?

Simple: can actually start from the next marathon

Way 3: Share your happy experiences and spread smiles


The world is overloaded with content. However, the type and the way most of the content is portrayed, it makes us think is the world really a place worth to live for? They speak 1 minute on a happy news and 9 minutes on a sad one.

However, you can help in this. You can start sharing your happy instances through blogs or videos or stories, with the world. It is human nature to forget the good or speak less about it and talk more about the negative instances or people in their life. Reverse the process.

Speak more about the good people in your life.

Speak more about the happy instances in your life.

The more you speak about it, the more it spreads. The more it spreads, the more people would like to be like that (as everyone wants to be talked about).

How to start?

Next time when somebody does something good with you, don’t just say thanks to that person. But talk about the deed among your friends. Make it a point to share it with other people. And see the magic.

Time to Begin

That’s my time. With winter coming, it is becoming bit cold in the balcony – the kind of pleasant weather which we love. The breeze which we love to feel.

I am thankful to “Hope” and many other people in my life who have helped at various stages. I shall send a thank you note to a few of them now. What are you going to do?

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