Happy Teacher\’s Day \”Alphabet\”

Happy Teacher\’s Day \”Alphabet\”

Happy Teacher\’s Day \”Alphabet\”

Google I Youtube I DeepMind

It’s Sep 5, and as many of us, I too am thinking of list of people who have taught me the most in life. I want to wish them “Happy Teachers Day” today. While I do this activity each year, I thought to break the chain and wish to the ones who have taught me the most in the last year.

Google Search

I started listing down with the but obvious ones like Life (Life is the best teacher of all), Parents (“Every home is a university and the Parents are the teachers\” – Mahatma Gandhi), Teachers in school and Leaders in professional life.

The list continued with my friends and wife making their way in and finally ended with my children’s name (“A child can teach adult three things: To be happy for no reason, To always be curious, To fight tirelessly for something” – Paulo Coelho).

I was about to take a pause when I realised that all of them have collectively not taught me (in the last year) as much as one singly entity has done i.e. Alphabet Inc. For those of you who don’t know, Alphabet Inc. is the parent firm of Google.

Google Maths – Google handles 3.8 million searches per minute on average across the globe. That comes out to 228 million searches per hour, 5.6 billion searches per day, or 2 trillion searches per year!

I’m Feeling Lucky

So what does google do? It is just helping people with their daily life queries. Is it? Think again. Being on the recruiting side of our digital marketing agency (www.getyouat.com), I see more and more resumes with self learned courses listed on them. I agree, the platforms providing online courses play a huge role in this but where did it all started? Providing relevant information, in the most user friendly way, within nanoseconds, to all, for FREE.

Youtube Views – YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki announced, among other YouTube statistics, that watch time of YouTube on TV screens came to more than 250 million hours per day, as of March 2019.

In the last one year, I completed couple of certified courses with google, acquired skill set in a variety of sections relevant to my business and personal growth and got lead to the links where most of my queries can get a light. I think, Google has been the constant teacher in the last year and with each passing year, I am able to understand more of it, provided I just don’t think of it as a search engine.

Top 5 Google Courses (Free) – While google provides n number of free online courses, the 5 most interesting and popular online software courses are Digital Marketing, Android Development for Beginners, Application monetisation, Mobile Web Specialist and E-Commerce Analytics.

On second thought, I feel I am so much indebted to Google that I could easily wish Happy Teachers Day Google

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  • You may not have noticed but your 5 year old kid may have already started learning from Google. It plays an important role in education for students.
  • The modern housewife doesn’t just learn to manage and do household stuff better with Google, but she now dreams (and does) of establishing a startup of her own expertise with the help of it.
  • Google not just gave many small and medium enterprises a platform to market their products but also made them better in themselves by providing direct information and feedback

Don\’t be Evil

All said and done, I do find people who would invariably depend on google for minimalistic information (some of which they already have but wont struggle to search in their brains) or for things/processes which would need their personal attention, just so it saves them time and efforts.

Two simple advice to them:

  • Think, it’s not illegal yet.
  • Mind behind google, is still a human being. Be one.
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