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A minimalist by heart, professionally I have been an entrepreneur for almost 12+ years now. I am the founder of a content creating firm (Beyond Avg), a digital marketing firm (Get You At) focusing on transparency in online marketing and recently ventured into spreading awareness about minimalism (minimalistee) and how it can help one live a simple & meaningful life. I lvoe giving back to the society through my blogs and mentorship sessions (Simple Saturday’s) and run a readers club (AlphaBibliophiles) with ~100 members where I help people to inculcate the habit of reading.
A minimalist by heart, professionally I have been an entrepreneur for almost 12+ years now. I am the founder of a content creating firm (Beyond Avg), a digital marketing firm (Get You At) focusing on transparency in online marketing and recently ventured into spreading awareness about minimalism (minimalistee) and how it can help one live a simple & meaningful life. I lvoe giving back to the society through my blogs and mentorship sessions (Simple Saturday’s) and run a readers club (AlphaBibliophiles) with ~100 members where I help people to inculcate the habit of reading.
A minimalist by heart, professionally I have been an entrepreneur for almost 12+ years now. I am the founder of a content creating firm (Beyond Avg), a digital marketing firm (Get You At) focusing on transparency in online marketing and recently ventured into spreading awareness about minimalism (minimalistee) and how it can help one live a simple & meaningful life. I lvoe giving back to the society through my blogs and mentorship sessions (Simple Saturday’s) and run a readers club (AlphaBibliophiles) with ~100 members where I help people to inculcate the habit of reading.