Can Reading help in Running?


Can Reading help in Running?
Can Reading help in Running?

I like marathons. Though the max I have done is 15 kms but I like them. I like the feeling of being by self, on track, interacting with nature, smiling and running 😊. I remember the first marathon I ran was ~5 years ago and while I went there for marathon but the real reason was I wanted to see.. Read more

5 ‘Simple’ ways to build ‘Network’
5 ‘Simple’ ways to build ‘Network’

“Networking” Is it important? Is it not? How do ‘ambiverts’ (neither introvert, nor extrovert) work on it? How do they manage to make people know about them or their services without going to people directly? Are there ways which can work for them instead of they working for the ways? Yes there are. But before we proceed further, I hope you.. Read more

Word of Mouth Wednesday – 1
Word of Mouth Wednesday – 1

Today I would like to share with you all about Nikhil Dhoot and his firm Carpe Omnia. So Nikhil Dhoot is a childhood friend cum brother to me. He comes from a family background which is quite conservative when it comes to business and not exactly into risk taking. All his family members are into service so one can understand how difficult it must be.. Read more

Learnings and Experiences from my 1st Trek – Har Ki Doon
Learnings and Experiences from my 1st Trek – Har Ki Doon

21st May: It was the day when we reached Sankri (our base campsite). I expect that I will have a mobile network till here. But as soon as we arrived Sankri, the network was no more there. I learned that only Jio & BSNL network was available at Sankri. I had Vodafone. And this was my first realization that I would.. Read more

Word of Mouth Wednesday – 2
Word of Mouth Wednesday – 2

Never have I been looking forward for a Wednesday so much. Though it was just one week since I started 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝-𝐨𝐟-𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐭𝐡 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐝𝐚𝐲, but I could not wait myself to share story of another budding entrepreneur in my circle i.e Anwesha Sarkar. Anwesha Sarkar: The disciplinary, punctual, perfectionist, simple yet colourful member of our organisation BeyondAvg who has been consistently delivering.. Read more

Quick Read: You CAN at times SKIP involving TEAM in Decision Making.
Quick Read: You CAN at times SKIP involving TEAM in Decision Making.

Popular Opinion: Involve your team in the decision-making process. My learning: It is not necessary to involve your management team in every decision you make. I would go one step further and say if you need to make a decision, often DO NOT involve the team for long. Take a view; if you get something useful, buy it, or else.. Read more

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